This week we speak to #WonderfulWoman Sherneal Joseph.
Today she shares her 5-Minute Beauty Confessions with The Beauty Studio Team.
1.What does beauty mean to you?
The ability for an individual to feel empowered, confident and comfortable in their own skin from the inside out.
2.What’s one of the best beauty products you’ve ever used and why?
This is tricky, but I would definitely says sunscreen, I never leave home without it. Protecting my skin is a big deal.
3.How has COVID and lockdown affected your beauty regime ?
I learnt to appreciate all forms of self-care which I would have normally overlooked. Weekly at home face masks are definitely something I’ve carried over from Covid times.
4.What’s your biggest strength?
My resilience.
5.What’s a cause that is important to you?
Using health and fitness as a tool to empower individuals and help them become their greatest versions themselves.
6.What are the 3 things you can’t live without?
7.How would you define yourself in three words?
8.What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
The worst thing they can say is no, and you’ve still lost nothing but you may have everything to gain.
9.What’s the last bit of self-care you performed?
A leg day session
10.What does a successful 2022 look like to you?
The elevation and expansion of my brand to reach and impact individuals on a larger scale.
11.Would you like to nominate a wonderful woman and why?
Bianca Naidoo. This woman is a true inspiration to me and her passion for serving people both in her personal life and on a larger spectrum through her brand is phenomenal.
Find Sherneal Joseph on social media here: