5-Minute Beauty Confessions with Naledi Khumalo

This week we speak to #WonderfulWoman this week is labor and employee relations specialist Naledi Khumalo.

Today she shares her 5-Minute Beauty Confessions with The Beauty Studio Team.

1.What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty is what radiates from within. It comes from how I carry myself, my confidence, how I interact with others. If I’m beautiful inside it will show on the outside.

2.What’s one of the best beauty products you’ve ever used and why?

Vaseline; I’ve used it since I was a child. It’s amazing for my skin, lips, works as a makeup remover. It does it all.

3.How has COVID and lockdown affected your beauty regime ?

I stopped getting individual lashes and started using strip lashes as a result of lockdown.

4.What’s your biggest strength?

My agility; I adapt in any situation. I understand that change of constant and with that mindset every situation good or bad is a lesson.

5.What’s a cause that is important to you?

Seeing women live their truth. It’s my mission to remind women that they can do and be anything they want, live their lives to the fullest.

6.What are the 3 things you can’t live without?

My children, my family, my friends.

7.How would you define yourself in three words?

Enthusiastic, Confident, Steadfast.

8.What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

As woman ensure you are financially independent, then you can live life on your own terms.

9.What’s the last bit of self-care you performed?

I got my nails done and went to gym yesterday, does that count?

10.What does a successful 2022 look like to you?

Lots of laughs with friends and family ( if at a beach with a cocktail in my hand, even better)

Find Naledi on social media here:
