5-Minute Beauty Confessions with Lerato Williams

This week we speak to #WonderfulWoman Lerato Williams, Founder of I am a Living Testimony, Motivational Speaker, MC and Blogger. She shares her 5-minute Beauty Confessions.

I am a Living Testimony, founded by Lerato William’s in 2019 was established with the aspiration to break down barriers that surround women and young girls of all ages in order to inspire, build and exhort them to find their spark so to lead and change the world for the better.

Today she shares her 5-Minute Beauty Confessions with The Beauty Studio Team.

1.What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty to me means being comfortable in your own skin, being beautiful holistically (inside and outside), and being able to appreciate the beauty in others.

2.What’s one of the best beauty products you’ve ever used and why?

Isabella Garcia skin care range, after having my daughter I really struggled with my skin and everyone suggested so many things including Turmeric and needless to say I tried as much as possible until I started using Isabella Garcia’s range. I have not worn make up in almost three years, I am happy with what my skin looks like.

3.How has COVID and lockdown affected your beauty regime ?

It has enabled me to have more time for my skin, I get to take better care of it and I must say being away from office aircons and dirty carpets has done wonders for my skin too 😊

4.What’s your biggest strength?

My biggest strength is resilience.

5.What’s a cause that is important to you?

Anything that is for girls of all ages and young women, I run and support any causes that are targeted at girls and young women.

6.What are the 3 things you can’t live without?

God, my daughter and my family

7.How would you define yourself in three words?

Resilient, Loving and Hard working

8.What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

If we rely on Holy Spirit a lot more, it will save us from so much pain and therapy.

9.What’s the last bit of self-care you performed?

Honestly I have been caring for everyone else and neglecting myself in the last 12 months.

10.What does a successful 2021 look like to you?

Having achieved my set 2021 goals, being alive and my loved ones alive too, the last 12 months have showed me how short life is, I have lost a number of loved ones so having them alive on the 31st December 2021 will be a successful 2021.

Find Lerato here:


I am a Living Testimony