This week we speak to #WonderfulWoman Anusha Janmajai, a teacher at Curro Castle Bryanston.
Teaching is Anusha’s passion and has been for the last 5 years. She won’t choose any other career as her heart is in education and early childhood development and she finds the job the most rewarding. Anusha is currently a third year B.ed foundation phase student.
Today she shares her 5-Minute Beauty Confessions with The Beauty Studio Team.
1.What does beauty mean to you?
Accepting all your imperfections and being yourself, whether you use make-up or not, We are All uniquely beautiful.
2.What’s one of the best beauty products you’ve ever used and why?
Hyrdabio serum from Bioderma- My face stays hydrated and looks fresh.
3.How has COVID and lockdown affected your beauty regime ?
The worse part of lockdown was not getting to do my eyebrows. I felt so unpretty, but on the flip side it taught me how to wax my own eyebrows.
4.What’s your biggest strength?
I am an over-comer.
5.What’s a cause that is important to you?
Female empowerment- We got to start educating our girls from a young age that they are More than enough and do know their self-worth.
6.What are the 3 things you can’t live without?
God, my daughter, and butter.
7.How would you define yourself in three words?
Positive, Compassionate, Dedicated.
8.What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Be you Own hero, always.
9.What’s the last bit of self-care you performed?
Practice breathing exercise to help me to relax and free my mind.
10.What does a successful 2021 look like to you?
Taking that leap of faith and stepping out of my comfort zone. Trust the process. Practicing more self-love.
Find Anusha on social media here: