5-Minute Beauty Confessions with Memory Barnard

This week we profile the wonderful Memory Barnard – Fashion Stylist, Digital Omni Channel Leader and Entrepreneur.

1. What’s keeps you busy during the day?

I believe that human creativity is the ultimate resource, now especially during this uncertain time, it’s been proven now more than ever.

Fashion is and will always be my first love, finding new trends and helping people find their unique style. However, being Vegan for over 20 years has also given me the experience to help and guide people through my network marketing business. I help and guide them to be the best version of themselves – not only physically but financially too.

I am also working on a few projects that I’m really excited about, but can’t say too much about them yet.

2. Where do you live, work and play?

I live and work in Sandton but most of my work is now done virtually. Play has been altered significantly because of COVID so I now consider my workout sessions 5 times a week as my playtime.

3. What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty to me means being your authentic self and embracing every part of you.

There will never be another you so celebrate you, invest in yourself, enhance if want but always remain just your true authentic self. That is how a woman exudes beauty.

4. What are 3 of your favourite beauty products that you can’t live without?

1.My Powerlips Lipstick
2. My headscarves.
3. My Marine Mud Musk.

5. What does a successful 2021 look like to you?

Well, we’ve all been thrown a curveball with COVID-19 and I’ve realized that some have become discouraged and demotivated.

However, I think we all still can end the year successfully. What that means for me is to keep working on your dreams. Whatever you have on your vision board, if you have one, keep going, do not get discouraged and DON’T GIVE UP.

For myself, I continue to work on my vision and goals and ending the year achieving one or two if not all of them would be a SUCCESSFUL year to me – especially during these uncertain times.